Addicts need all the help they can get to fight off addiction. If they are left to handle it on their own, they won’t be successful for long.
In the church, the case remains the same. Addicts need the church to come through for them as they strive to conquer addiction.
Here are some of the responsibilities of the church in helping addicted members
- Counseling
Every addicted individual needs counseling. This is because counseling is the bedrock of addiction treatment.
Addicted individuals need to know the root cause of their addiction, and this is one of the many benefits of having a counselor.
Asides from this, a counselor provides the addicted individual with sufficient support that they need to pull through addiction treatment.
Even after addiction treatment, in the aftercare phase, the counselor is still available to support the individual.
In the church, addicted individuals will have access to counselors who will put asides the official demands of their work, and offer pro-bono services.

- Support in prayers
One of the advantages of having the church in your corner is the type of support they offer. The power of prayer is very profound in helping an individual defeat addiction.
When the church is aware that one of their own is in the web of addiction, they will rally around to offer prayers of intercession to God for strength and willpower for the addicted individual.
This would continue for a long time even when the individual is showing strong signs of getting sober.
- Love and care
Unlike the secular world where addicted individuals are stigmatized, the case is different in the church. The church fully understands that it is not the fault of their loved ones that they are addicted. Therefore, they offer all the love, care, and support to ensure that they don’t feel left out.
In addition, if the addicted individuals are not on good terms with their families, the church helps to mend the rift between them.